All posts by Blogghoran

Permanently exhausted pigeon. Former politician. Learning to navigate exhaustion, race issues, patriarchy, colonialism, and disability. If you enjoyed any of these little article of musings, and would like me to be able to write them more, feel free to head over my patreon and check out the tiers there, $1 can go a long way! alternatively, check out my support page for more info.

Having a positive body-image?

It can be difficult, especially if you’re a bit overweight and watch how the rest of the world talk about such things, or depict you. Even more so if you’ve gained 5-7kg since you got sick.
But today I did one of the best things I could have done for myself:
I made sure to go up a size and buy the correct size underwear, even though a part of me believed I was still a size smaller. So I got to come home and put on new underwear that fit amazingly!

I also want to thank Lindex, for offering a wider range of larger sizes now, so I don’t have to feel like “if I can’t fit into this size I can’t have nice clothes”.

Att sätta ord på det svåra

Delar vidare min kommentar som jag skrev som svar på Nanne Grönvalls blogg, DÄRFÖR HAR JAG AVBOKAT ALLA JOBB I ÖVER 3 MÅNADER HITTILLS:

“Så jag fortsatte rusa på, med siktet inställt på att bit för bit förändra allt det jag visste att jag inte kunde fortsätta åta mig.” – bit för bit förändra allt.
Sedan förra hösten jobbade jag med det själv, att bit för bit fixa små grejer, så att jag skulle orka mer. Jag ville så gärna orka mer än jag orkade, jag fick redan avsäga mig ansvar etc, jag sade upp mig från extra jobb (som student), och la åt sidan allt som inte var det viktigaste. Det viktigaste för mig var att bli klar med sista året av studierna, sedan skulle vi ta ledigt ett år, jag och min pojkvän/nya sambo. Det gick till februari, efter att jag varit sjuk 3+5 veckor under hösten, värsta förkylningarna jag har haft på länge som inte riktigt ville ge med sig.

Över nyår åkte vi iväg på semester till Malta, för att jag skulle få en paus. Jag brukade behöva vilodagar 2-1 två aktiva dagar en vilodag, men nu hade det förvärrats 1-2, en aktiv dag innebar nu två hela vilodagar. Jag klarade inte av alla kurser från hösten, men skulle göra klart tentan senare, medan jag började sista halvåret, med att skriva min Kandidatexamensuppsats, på Engelska. 3 veckor in, hade jag redan varit sjuk 1.5 vecka.

Pojkvännen åkte hem till sin familj i några dagar, och då släppte det, då tog det stopp. Eftersom att jag var student ville läkaren inte bestämma åt mig om jag skulle sjukskrivas, men sa “hade du jobbat hade jag sjukskrivit dig på en gång”. Jag var tvungen att medge att jag ville så gärna bara få, som du skrev ”Jag är så fruktansvärt trött, jag har inga krafter kvar, jag måste få vila lite”.
Jag vilar fortfarande, och hoppas att kunna komma tillbaka till livet snart, men det är en lång resa.

På tal om utmattningsdepression, så är även denna text viktig läsning. Tankar Om Utmattning – Att leva med utmattningsdepression. Och att bli frisk igen


I knew it, but I forgot; I didn’t really forget, I just… Didn’t connect the dots. Now, they are connected. So, I know I need to focus on one thing at the time, but I’m an expert of trying to do 10 things at once, preferably yesterday.

The realization was that my computer time was not very focused, but rather that I didn’t know myself what I was doing most of the time. As we moved, and moved our stuff, computers and desks, I understood that having that extra monitor may be a huge distraction for me, and that I need to stop.

I decided to run a trial, and only have my main monitor, and remove the other one; combined with the smaller desk I have dedicated the desk area to only computer.

In my mind I wanted to have a larger desk, preferably a corner version so I could have my coloring books on the side. At the end of this trial I will decide between the smaller version or the larger version of a sit/stand desk.

Små steg, hela tiden.

Hjärnan är inte riktigt med, speciellt inte på engelska. Och jag hatar det. Men jag vill inte lägga energi på att hata det, så någonstans har jag fått ge in för det. Acceptera att jag inte kan prata ordentligt. Jag säger fel ord så ofta, och ibland i helt fel ordning. Men istället för att spänna mig och oroa mig när det blir fel i hjärnan fortsätter jag att prata, och går vidare från där.

Dessa ord är mycket repetition av förra inlägget. Repitition är en stor del av mina tankar just nu. Inte nödvändigtvis negativa cirklar dock, utan som ett verktyg för att börja om, skriva om. Gör om gör rätt, eller hur var det?

Min terapeut och jag kom fram till en typiskt bra grej (TM), jag bör inte söka mig ett karriärsyrke, någonsin. Just för att jag alltid vill för mycket, och jobbar mig själv sjuk. Så sakta men säkert har jag börjat planera för vad jag skulle kunna göra i framtiden, om jag någonsin blir frisk. Betvivlar att jag någonsin blir helt funktionell igen efter att jag drivit mig själv så långt och djupt ner i utmattning.

Snart får vi ett nytt hem, då kan jag börja på nya rutiner. Och repetera detta, over and over and over.

A year. A lot changed

I’m sick. But I hate using that word.

I’m on sick leave. Due to exhaustion. Depression.
The exhaustion is worse than the depression.

It drains. And paralyzes.

I went for years. I did not realize that the way I pushed myself would be my downfall. Again.

I’m not alone. He loves me. I love him.
He will hold me. Tell me that everything will be okay. One day. But now I need rest.

It is true. Rest. I need rest. So I rest. Resting is not easy.

Taking responsibility for oneself

A little over a month ago, I took the step to start eating anti-depressants again, after 4 years of trudging along without them.
This is not something I want to hide, partly because I find that it can be helpful to others who need help (I am not saying that Medication is the ONLY solution!), and partly because I find it might be helpful for people to understand who I am (since we’re “friends” and all[this post was initially intended for Facebook, but as I couldn’t stop writing I am now posting it on my blog, publicly]).

I begun taking the medication because I had found myself, over and over again, with impulses that scared me, even if I had them under control. I was looking to save myself before the day came when I could not control said impulses. These always occurred together with PMS, I’m thinking that there might be a PMDD connection here. My mood swings would be insufferable, and some of you have had to suffer.

As I came to realize that I had found someone I was getting ready to spend a big part of my life with, I felt that it wasn’t fair to him (because apparently repelling friends due to mood-swings just didn’t get the message across for me) to have to suffer through this. The realization did not come immediately. I did actively try to become “a better person” for months and months, we always talked about it and we figured out some solution, and then BOOM the mood-swings were back. I would usually only get one week of “being normal”, maybe two weeks if I was very lucky, before it was back to roller-coaster hell with emotions and impulses.

I had thought about medication for months, and I made the decision. Yet, it took another few weeks, maybe even months, before I actually picked up the phone and got an appointment. But let me spare you the details of me dealing with the doctor.

I begun to eat medication, had 2 HORRIBLE weeks, crawling skin, restlessness, feeling incredibly uncomfortable in my own skin. Normal side-effects when you begin eating these types of medication. Then one day it was better, and I was back to being somewhat functional.

Last week my boyfriend visited for a few days, during PMS week. Nothing, zip, zilch, nada. No Mood-Swings. NO MOOD-SWINGS!! I was normal, happy, and I was never afraid that I’d just step out into the road in front of a fast moving car. The crazy was gone. The crazy IS gone! And I am happier for it.

Now, I want to finish this off by sharing a little secret: Part of me knew, for these 4 years, that I was much worse off without medication, but I just did not want to eat any so I kept trying to figure stuff out. I kinda regret it, but at the same time it was an experience, and I wouldn’t be where I am right now without it. Now I am sharing this knowledge with you.

Books to read in the next year

I spent the evening going through my  “30 books to read before you turn 30”, since I now have a year to go. Why would I need to go through it though? Well, I wanted to figure out which books I had (very few), which were now public domain and likely available for free on Kindle or as Audiobooks through lovely Librevox, or which I should buy on the Kindle. And on the side of that I wanted to make my wishlist for the books I’ll buy on the Kindle.

A little over a week ago I received a Kindle from my boyfriend as an early birthday present, one of the best presents I’ve ever gotten. He had found it very impractical for me to always being 6-8 books when I came to visit, thus the Kindle. I agreed.
So this sparked my interest in reading again. Now, I’ve already been reading quite a lot for my classes in school, but felt that I’ve wanted to get back to reading outside of that again.

I realized, as I dove into War and Peace on the Kindle (free classic book!), and while I walked and listened to the Audiobook of the Mockingjay (thank you, Humble Bundle), that I wasn’t only consuming these two books, but I was juggling 5 books next to each other, without even accounting for the anthology and non-fiction for school, which would add up to 7 or 8 depending on how you count.

Anyways, my brain has been obsessed with books the past week and how to get back into reading, as well as how to consume these 30 or so books in the next year. Apparently I can process several books on the side of each other, in different formats (hard, ebook & audiobook) at the same time,which can be good and detrimental at the same time. I spent the night going through the list, and adding them appropriately into a spreadsheet, with colours and everything.  Now all that remains is to choose which of which I will be reading, that is the next step.

The below widget doesn’t actually represent the progress I’ve made on the list of books before 30, but it’s an indicator for me if I’m reading, and as long as I’m reading I’m not too fussed about which books. More updates will come.

2015 Reading Challenge

2015 Reading Challenge
Marie has
read 8 books toward her goal of 32 books.


This url suggest that the blog should be written in Swedish. Men jag vet inte riktigt om det är vad jag vill. Neither do I know if I want to write in English. Därför kommer det vara obestämt för tillfället. Det viktiga för mig är att jag skriver igen.

But what  does one write about these days? It used to be political, politically bound. I’m still dedicated to the cause, but I require an outlet for my creative side.

Jag ser. Jag lyssnar. Jag känner. 

We’ll see where we end up.